Professional Development
EM Arts customizes services for each school by working with school leaders to help design their program. Our partner schools use professional development to achieve their desired outcomes, including: building staff and student culture, expanding teachers’ repertoire, improving character education and improving teacher retention. Topics typically include (but are not limited to):
Integrating the Kinesthetic: Movement-based Curriculum
Call us at (347) 370-9538 or email to arrange for a PD at your school.
PD At Brooklyn Brownstone
A few samples of related professional development recently provided in NYC schools includes:
The Elements of Dance and Core Academic Subjects
-Experiential learning through easily adapted concepts
In this workshop participants will explore the elements of dance and how a deeper understanding of the body in motion through space, in time with energy can unlock a variety of multi-modal approaches to learning in the classroom and beyond. Practical tools will be offered for adding movement-based lessons to core subject curriculum as well as ideas on how to effectively collaborate with teaching artists in your school community.
Yoga in the Classroom
-Exploring the relationship between the moving body and a focused mind
Recent studies and national programs such as “Let’s Move” are bringing greater awareness to the role our school communities have in the physical health and well being of students. In this workshop participants will have a chance to experience some of the health supporting aspects unique to the system of Yoga and take away accessible practices to increase student fitness, self-control, confidence and mental clarity. This professional development workshop is intended for classroom teachers and/or movement educators.
EM Lifework
Professional development for teacher wellness and talent retention
“Wellness in the workplace” models have been adopted as part of best practices in one profession after another – except teaching. This situation is alarming considering that teachers report some of the highest levels of stress, fatigue and “burn-out.” Elevated stress levels, together with limited resources, make it harder for teachers to invest in their own health and wellbeing. EM Arts customizes workshops to meet the needs of the teachers they serve.
There are four basic principles of EM Techniques work in all workshops.
Alignment – Learning proper alignment and how to maintain it as we move prevents injury and undue strain and pain from improperly placed stresses on the muscular skeletal system.
Breathing is the engine and the language the body knows. Stay in rhythm with your body’s demands for oxygen and more effectively eliminate the exhaust from the lungs.
Release Technique – Literally “letting go” mentally to physically through focus to control your energy to a greater extent.
Mindfulness – Learning how to be mindful of your body and its movements so that you can self-diagnose and self-correct.
Call us at (347) 370-9538 or email to arrange for a PD at your school.
EM LifeWork at Highland Park Community School
“A lot of exercise is based on depletion and exhaustion. If you knew that you had to cross the desert would you start out running as fast as you can? Or would you prepare to bring what you need and pace yourself?”